Two of Mount Baker

This past week, I caught a couple of glimpses of Mount Baker . This active volcano in the Cascadia Subduction Zone is Washington's third tallest mountain , the fifth tallest in the Cascade Range and the most glaciated of all the Cascade peaks. It can be seen from several places in this area. This first photo was taken from the dike in the tidal wetlands of the Skagit River Delta . This Fish and Wildlife unit is one of the best birding sites in Skagit County. While I was taking the photo of the mountain, a young Bald Eagle flew right over me. When I hiked back out, I spotted him perched above the dike trail in a dead tree. He posed nicely while I took his picture. When I moved on, he let me walk directly under him without even flinching. I saw a total of five eagles on this hike, including one at the nest south of the duck blind. The next day, I went out to the Samish River basin and the " West 90 " site, another great birdin...