Baby Pictures

Back in 2011, I wrote a post for Wild Fidalgo about Baby Pictures . Blogger used to put a "Next Blog" link at the top of their pages for exploring other Blogger sites. Every time I tried it, I always found myself mired in other people's baby pictures. Not to be outdone, I wrote that post about Northern Flicker baby pictures. I guess that's what Facebook is for now, and Blogger has removed the link. I now have another opportunity to post my own "baby pictures" of sorts. Meet Buddy Buddy became my best friend last July through the services of the Washington German Shepherd Rescue group. I haven't had a dull moment since. He is estimated to be 2 years old, although some of us think he may be younger. He acts like a big kid. All we know of his history is that he was a stray. All I know is that he is the most charming stray dog anyone could imagine. Taking the photo above was an interesting challenge. I am sitting w...