August Windstorm

On Saturday, August 29, 2015 an unusual August windstorm hit the Pacific Northwest. While everyone's attention was focused on Tropical Storm Erika which more or less fizzled out, ours hit with a vengeance . Washington, Oregon and British Columbia were severely impacted by unusually high winds brought by the storm. I was at work and missed the whole thing. Driving south on Interstate 5 at 6:00 a.m. I did encounter heavy rain, buffeting winds and tree limbs blowing across the freeway. But at that hour, the main front had not yet arrived. While at work, I checked the website occasionally to see if the power was still on. The last weather station upload was at 11:48 a.m. That coincides with the peak wind speed of 30 m.p.h. (48 k.p.h.) from the southwest at noon recorded by my station. That is not an excessive wind, but from that direction I have trees and terrain that effect the anemometer readings. The photo above of Skagit Bay was taken ...